The Spout Springs Repeater Association
The SSRA is a nonprofit Washington, State Corporation. Incorporated in Washington State because it was "cheaper" (the
Ham way, right?)
The governing body consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and four area Directors
elected by quorum at the annual SSRA Pot Luck Picnic normally held on the second Sunday in August at a location selected early
in the summer.
The four District Directors are chosen to represent members in key geographic repeater coverage areas.
The four districts are:
THE MOUNTAIN DISTRICT: Located roughly to include all the Blue Mountains and everything south
as far as the repeater will reach including the Joseph/Enterprise and Baker City areas and all of the Wallowa Mountains plus
the Western portion of Idaho that's in range.
THE WALLA WALLA DISTRICT: represents an area extending into Idaho to the east with the North slope of the Blue Mountains as
the southern edge then extending west to a roughly north south line from Pendleton to Touchet and straight north from there
to the limits of coverage. THE WEST END DISTRICT: covers an area bordered on the east by a line roughly from
Touchet to Pendleton then following Highway 395 south and all west with the Oregon border being the north most border.
THE TRI-CITIES DISTRICT: covers all north of the Oregon/Washington border and east to Touchet and all west to the limit
of coverage. Business related to the SSRA is conducted via a net held every 1st and 3rd Wed. of each month on
146.20/80 at 7:30 PM. All Radio Amateurs are invited to check in.
Technical Director
The Technical Director is appointed by the Officers and Directors. Technical Director is Marc Shaffer KC7NXX

A group of SSRA members on a work party that included installing a new antenna on the tower, adjusting the guy wires
and cleaning up the site. A bank of large batteries is located under the shack. These batteries provide emergency power to
the repeater and will run the repeater for over a week on low power. Note: The repeater sends a code signal "B" if it's on
emergency power. Note: The battery housing had not yet been installed. I'm guessing this was in the late 70's or early 80"s.