Net controls needed.
Secretary Gene KC7VBO reports that the Crackerbarrel group badly needs additional Net Controls.
This is an interesting challenge, one night a week would be good. If interested please let Gene Know, he's net control
two nights a week and he says it's putting too much pressure on him.
SSRA business net.
Check in to the Spout Springs Repeater Association Net every first and
third Wed. at 7:30 PM. All Hams are invited. The SSRA President is net control for this net. Any business
is handled during this net but is also used for any general information regarding weather and road reports, equipment reports
reports of the officers and directors ETC.

Net control Ken KD7FYR The weather net is conducted daily at 6 AM all radio amateurs within range of
the SSRA repeater are invited to report weather and road conditions daily. Ken sends the data you provide to the Oregon Emergency
Net who, in turn, reports the data to the National Weather Service.