Spout Springs Repeater Association
SKYWARN, Check out the Skywarn site especially consider taking a Skywarn training course. It's interesting and it qualifies you to report unusual weather conditions. Dolores and I have taken the course four times and we learn something new each time.
TOPOZONE: Topographical maps of any area in the USA. You want a topo map? CLICK HERE
SPACE STATION,WHERE IS IT? CLICK HERE for a world view and location.
Eventually there will be lots of useful links added to this page. Enjoy.
Steve W7SAV has built a fine web site. Take a look
John KA7DRE lives in the Tri-Cities. He has created a really great site with a huge amount of useful information and links. Take a Look! Click here.
The Pendleton Amateur Radio Club has a nice site with local news, announcements and useful links. Click here.
HERMISTON AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (HARC) Kyonghui Cross N7OII has done a wonderful job on this new site. Take a look. CLICK HERE
The Cracker Barrel Net meets every weekday evening from 8 PM to whenever. Get in on the fun. Check out the web site. The Web Master is Charlene KC7RQF.
EHAM is a huge Amateur Radio Site, seems like if it's Amateur Radio it's on this site. CLICK HERE
The QRZ site is where you look up Ham calls or names. A very usefull site. CLICK HERE
American Radio Relay League the premire Ham site. Lots of info plus you can establish a handy E-mail address based on your call, very nice. CLICK HERE
Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association, This is a very nice site. Many of our members check into the popular KBARA net daily. The site contains links and area information on various Amateur Radio Activities. CLICK HERE.