Site clean up work party August 31
Many thanks to the group that went to the site Saturday to secure the guy ends and do a site clean up.

Left to right Jack WA7SDV, Dick N7ZH, Jody N7ERT and Kathy N7MTH attending to the securing of the guy ends. The
ends have to be secured so they don't rattle against themselves when the wind is blowing. They cause noise in the receiver.

There was some recreating going on too. Here is Mrs. Misener, Dick N7ZH XYL.

Kyonghui Cross N7OII taking a ride. The above pictures were taken by Kyonghui.
The members of SSRA owe a big debt of gratitude to the 6 member work party that restored the tower and returned the repeater
to regular operation.
Dick Misener N7ZH Technical Director
Jody Cross N7ERT Involved with many repeaters and has several of his own.
Bob Lynch KC7AWL from Hood River
Don Ficken WA7DZB from Elgin
Jack Jensen WA7SDV Station Trustee
Walt Davis W7ALT also has a repeater.

Dick N7ZH and Jody N7ERT at the top. |

Dick and Jody climbing the tower.

A "Ginpole is mounted at the top in order to hoist a tower section into place for mounting to tower. In this case
the top section, the section that receives the Sinclair antenna has been hoisted and is ready to mount on the tower.